The Path to Peace and Freedom

$49.95 AUD

Whatever you believe your problem is, whether it be anxiety, addiction, depression, overwhelm, stress, not coping, relationship issues, self harm or something else, in this training I want to share how these things aren't really the problem. They are symptoms of a wider problem, which is a disconnection from yourself. In this training, I want to share the 6 steps to peace and freedom.


Heidi, it has taken me a week to get through this program. I chose to do it slowly so I might digest all that you are saying. It has made an enormous amount of sense to me, and I sincerely thank you, I intend to delve deeper with you when my finances improve. So for the moment....a very big thank you X


Oh boy, light bulb moment. I'm going to try not to rescue. Probably a huge part of the relationship I'm in is me trying to fix and rescue everything all the time, Who rescues me?


Heidi, I found your training very helpful. Especially the part about trusting the flow in life and that we're always being guided by a higher being. That made me feel very good about myself.


I can relate totally. I have come to the conclusion that when I have a relapse in depression it's all those suppressed feelings popping up to be healed.


You present a lot for me to think about - how I'm giving away my power and how I'm resisting the lessons and keeping myself stuck!


Motivational and makes you feel better about yourself


Yes so true. I have worn a mask for so long that I am not sure who I am under it. Even in the counselling room I can't take it off totally.


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